Monday, December 28, 2009

Here we go again, time for a life change this time though

I know that I need to start restricting things in my diet again. I have realized that after reading a few things that I would in fact benefit from the blood type diet and I think the big thing with that is I would hope to see a change from the way I feel on a daily basis if I just start eating better and taking things out of my diet like milk. I need to start drinking soy or rice milk. I have an intolerance to regular milk and that is a big reason why I really do not drink it. If I start drinking Starbucks again I have to remember to order them with soy and not regular milk. I really do not like the taste of soy milk, but if it means my getting rid of all this mucus and sinus issues that could be associated with it then I am all for trying something at least once.

The blood type diet even has me pegged to having anxiety disorders and liver issues. I never knew that because of my blood type certain things I eat can cause reactions with my body. Food needs to be looked at as a medicine and not just something you put in your mouth when you are bored. Food is not a comfort and should not be viewed as such. Food is something that with out it we would not survive. Look at it as a basic need, not something you do for pleasure.

Yeah I know that I have in the past month or so, turned to food~ McDonald's is the big player here, and they sucker you in, and I know this because I see it with my son how he just has to have every kids meal toy. They start you off young. UGH. I need to break us of that habit. I know it is bad and I know that it is not good for him.

I am going to start taking better care of myself, I know I have said that before, but I have to, because if I don't I am going to just stay sick. I need to at least try to lose weight and make things better for myself or I am going to be in and out of the hospital, I will get diabetes, and I may have to have a liver transplant. Not things that you want to hear from your doctor. Mind you I heard these things back in June from my doctor and I just haven't taken completely to heart the message that he was trying to send me at the time. I am starting to understand. I was eating healthy over the summer, I felt good, I was coaching soccer. Now I am not eating as great, I am not working out except for walking, and I have not felt up to par since going back to school, plus I have been battling this on again off again cold that will NOT GO AWAY!

I just need to feel better.